Take Action to Protect Nevada’s Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Congress has passed legislation to temporarily block a plan to expand the Nellis Test and Training Range into the home of the largest population of desert bighorn sheep in Nevada. But the fight is not over. Urge Nevada's members of Congress to keep fighting to SAVE THE DESERT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE by permanently protecting this treasured landscape’s vast wilderness and invaluable cultural resources.
Nevadans stand united behind protecting public lands. Thank you for blocking the Pentagon’s takeover of our wildlife refuges! #DontBombTheBighorn @SenCortezMasto @SenJackyRosen @RepHorsford @repdinatitus @MarkAmodeiNV2 @RepSusieLee
A broad coalition of conservationists, Native Americans, sportsmen and women, elected officials and others are celebrating the Congressional vote that denies the U.S. military its long sought-after expansions of two major facilities in Nevada, at the Fallon Naval Air Station and the Nellis Test and Training Range.
The U.S. House has temporarily blocked the Pentagon’s plan that would destroy the home of the largest population of desert bighorn sheep in Nevada, vast wilderness, and invaluable cultural resources. But the fight is not over. Urge Nevada's members of Congress to keep fighting to SAVE THE DESERT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE by permanently protecting this treasured landscape.
Tweet to the Congressional Delegation
We must act now to SAVE THE DESERT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE. RT to support Wilderness protection! #DontBombTheBighorn @SenCortezMasto @SenJackyRosen @RepHorsford @repdinatitus @MarkAmodeiNV2 @RepSusieLee
Sign the Petition
Your signature tells Congress that America wants Wilderness for the Desert National Wildlife Refuge! #DontBombTheBighorn
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